Hydrangeas are pretty
Life ramblings and the journey through adoption.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
So I did it...
I've been working on it for a while, and it will continue to evolve, but please re-do your bookmarks, and um, see ya around!
Friday, June 20, 2008
My sweet, "lil' ole' man..."
I have been giving Cougar Prednisone every other day for quite some time now, to help him feel better, and to help him, well, poop properly, due to his IBS, FLUTD, and a host of other issues.
We keep plastic on the bed, to catch wayward pukes, and upon morning wake-up, or arrival home, we MUST look down before each step, to do a once-over to look for puke, or poop. Now granted, Juno, our 18 year old sass-princess is guilty of a wayward puke or two, but it's mostly Cougs, truth be told.
The constant clean up patrol has REALLY been getting to Narda. And heck, I don't blame her - she's just started back at Lion King full time, it's a wee-stressful learning all of the old stuff, yet, new again, because it's in a new theatre, so all that was part of her muscle memory has changed; we have a rambunctious 2 and a half year old, and are slowly working towards #2 - we just have to have our "FSW" (faboo social worker) over for coffee, and she's waiting for my prints back from the feds, and then, voila, we are "back in pool."
But I digress.
Each time Narda suggested that Cougar was in pain, and it wasn't fair to him, all I could think of was HER inconvenience at the "occasional," "random," "wayward" poop. But in reality, each and every time Cougar takes a (humongous, I might add) poo, it hurts him. And he lets everyone know how much it hurts him. Even Malka asks if he "has issues?" But it's not every day. And he's a regular old grumpy man the rest of the time, you know, when he's not going to the bathroom. He even will 'get his kitten on" every so often, and chase a toy around for a few seconds.
I have also been able to use the "but he was your mom's cat" trump card for a while. It's not working anymore. Narda has been determined, and I have been obstinate. I have called her a murderer, insensitive, cruel, and I have even gone so far ask to ask her if she wants to be "put down" if she happens to poo in an inappropriate place when she gets older.
He is my "Baby-Bear," my "Cougie-Cougs," my "lil' old man," my "Cougie-Bear," "Cougs-a-Cougs," "Baby-mans," and bundle of mama's boy all rolled into a beautiful furry ball.
Tonight, Malka and I come home from Shul, to "poop-splosion-2008." It was everywhere. I am one who is LOATHE to use chemical cleaners, and will always opt for the organic, or the simple vinegar-water solution, but tonight? I used something yellow in a spray bottle. Narda will be so proud. I sanitized the entire house. It was EVERYWHERE. After I cleaned up the poo and the puke, and chased after Cougar to wipe his ass with baby wipes, (OH thank goodness for baby wipes,) I sat down, exhausted, and scrolled through the numbers on my cell phone for "vet." I dialed, and got Natasha's friendly voice, telling me that the office is closed, but they are open tomorrow, Saturday, and to call in the am. I left a message, started crying mid-way through, stating that "Hi, this is Shelli, mommy to 'Sir pukes-a-lot,' and Juno, and Quincy too, and of course, Malka, but that I'm calling to let you know that I'll be bringing in my baby bear tomorrow am, and I'm calling you now, before I change my mind. I've been in denial long enough, and have held off the inevitable long enough. It is time. And then I called Narda, and left her a message about the call I made. And then I called her babysitter, to see if she's available in the am, but then I realized that Narda doesn't have to be at work until 1pm tomorrow. I don't think it would be fair to bring Malka along, and then NOT bring Cougar home. So I also called Bobby and left a message, and started crying mid-message. Asking if he could watch Malka for an hour and a half, or come with me to the vet.
I don't want to. He's my baby bear. But at this point, it's cruel not to.
He is now under the bed. Telling me it's time.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Product placement, and guilty pleasures
As I work on philosophical dissertations to share with you, I WILL share that there are NO bubbles to be used by toddlers learning to blow bubbles other than GAZILLION Bubbles. Seriously. It blows gazillions of bubbles, and Malka can do it easily.
I know I have other product placements, but I've been meaning to share that one for a while.
And, um, my guilty pleasure? Stop laughing.
What's yours?
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
bullets and memes
So instead, I give you bullet points, and a meme from our dear Cali.
-Narda going back to work full time at Lion King, and what that means for our family - good, bad and otherwise
-Malka's new preschool - awesome, yet VERY hetronormative
-My anxiety levels creeping back up a bit
-Back at Weight Watchers, and feeling good about it; making changes to last
-Mishegas at work - it's so insane, it's almost comical. And sadly, that's about all I can tell you - I love my job, the people there, but the board of directors needs some serious time with Super Nanny
-Our most recent and lovely visit from our dear friends over at AdProb
-"Flying solo" evenings and weekends again (see above, Narda going back to lion King); fun for a bit, but lonely, too
-Getting projects complete/decluttering
-There's more, but there's my frontal lobe "brain dump," as it were
Now onto the meme:
From Cali:
Use the first letter of your first name to answer each of the following. They have to be real places, names, things - nothing made up. You can not use your own name for the boy/girl names.
1. What is your name? Shelli
2. A 4 letter word: Shit
3. A vehicle: Subaru
5. A boy’s name: Sean
6. A girl’s name: Sara
7. Drink: Shiraz
8. An occupation: Stockbroker
9. Something you wear: Shirt
10. A celebrity: Sandra Dee
11. Something found in a bathroom: Soap
12. Reason for being late: SLEEP
13. Something you shout: See #2 above.
14. A body part: Shin
15. Word to describe yourself: Sassy
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Affirmations - Updated!
Not only did every teacher run into her room on the first day to comfort the screaming banshee that is known as "our daughter on the first day of daycare;" not only did the Israeli teacher in her room mention that she was impressed with Malka's Hebrew comprehension; not only does she (Israeli teacher) know Malka's FAVORITE song EVER
(I searched and searched, for a simple mp3 to insert, but Israeli pre-school songs are hard to find - so this will have to do. LaShevet means to sit, and laKum means to stand - it's basically a cake walk song, and kids LOVE IT!), but... but... but!

A note came home today, asking for pictures of the children's father for their father's day project, and on it was a hand written note: "How do you want us to handle this? ;)" Gail.
I printed out a picture of Malka and her grandpa.
We were VERY impressed. If you recall last year, we got a generic card, painted on by Malka, and I justified it by stating its resemblance to a vagina.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Could it be possible in our lifetime?
Um, WOW. So Narda's and my relationship, which is basically a marriage, has the potential to be legally recognized in the state where we live.
And it's a good thing, too, because we've been too busy with life, liberty and the pursuit of a running toddler to go to our lawyer and have random paperwork filled out, and money spent to give us the same rights as married couples everywhere.
Speaking of our relationship, Monday will be 8 years together. We count our first kiss as the "moment" to mark our relationship. If we CAN get hitched somewhere and have it recognized here, we'll do it as soon as possible, but do an official Jewish/Chuppah wedding closer to our 10th anniversary, June 2, 2010. Squee!
And speaking of our relationship, we have a DATE planned for Monday night! We'll be eating dinner, and seeing a little flick. You may have heard of it...
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
30 seconds of the mele going on across the street.
30 seconds of the mele going on across the street.
Originally uploaded by shellipsm
Narda went out to see what was going on, a few of the teens said: "we're just having a cook out."
On today's news, however, we learned that 7 people were shot.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Stuck in the 80's
I'm streaming the 80's channel on the aol radio, and scanning pictures from "way back." I will probably not be able to go, but it's been fun reminiscing, and reconnecting with the 10-15 people that were kind of friendly to me during those awkward teen years.
So I stumbled across this, and had to share. I hope you enjoy as well.

more graph humor and song chart memes
Thursday, May 15, 2008
My Dad's a Superstar!
But I'm "shepping such naches" at the moment, that I just have to share this tidbit about my dad...
(He did say it was OK)

Adkins leads by example in Reach the Beach ride
By Cliff Newell
The Lake Oswego Review, May 15, 2008
By riding 100 miles on Saturday, May 17, Dick Adkins of Lake Oswego figures he can do a lot of good for people.
The event is called Reach the Beach, a ride for thousands of bicyclists sponsored by the American Lung Association of Oregon, and Adkins’ commitment to it is quite serious. He does not want people to die prematurely of lung disease, the way his father did.
“My dad died of emphysema. He was quite a smoker,” Adkins said. “I’ve seen pictures of Black Lung and that is exactly what he had. He was 68 at his death, and in our family the men live to be in their 80s or 90s.
“Reach the Beach is just a way to get people to stop smoking. More women smoke than men today, and that is not the way it used to be. Smoking can kill you at a young age. I don’t think that should happen to anybody.”
Adkins credits bike riding with drastically improving his health and fitness. It is hard to believe when you look at him now, but he was once 225 pounds and had a huge waistline. Now the 65-year-old Adkins is a slim, trim and strong 150 pounds, more befitting his background as a college athlete.
Thus, Reach the Beach is way for Adkins to maintain his commitment to fitness and also honor his father.
“I’ve been riding in Reach the Beach for about six years,” Adkins said. “A friend told me about it. He said, ‘This is a longer ride like you’ve been looking for. It looks like an interesting one.’ I thought, ‘This is one ride I could probably do in remembrance of my dad.”
But Adkins has not only ridden in Reach the Beach. He has brought many others into the race by training them in 12 rides that lead up to the big event.
“I’ve been doing this for the past four or five years,” Adkins said. “These rides are 34, 35, 49 miles, and the Champoeg ride has a lot of hills. It tells you who really wants to do it.”
Usually there are 16 to 26 riders who show up for Adkins’ training rides, although “we had a low of five on a rainy Saturday. But on May 17 I expect at least 20 people out of it.”
He added, “It will also get more riders for the Portland Wheelmen (a bike riding club of which Adkins is a member). We get seven or eight members a year from this. They think it’s fun and want to ride some more.”
That is why Reach the Beach will have at least 5,000 participants.
Adkins has fun, and he certainly loves the way bike riding has helped him get in great shape. But he also wants to fight cancer, which helps explain why he wears a yellow wristband from Livestrong, the Lance Armstrong Foundation.
“I believe in helping,” Adkins said. “One way is getting these rides.”
The ride starts from five different locations: Portland, Corvallis, Salem, Amity or Grand Ronde and represents five different distances (110, 100, 80, 55 or 26 miles). All routes end in the Pacific City area.
For additional information about Reach the Beach, go to www.ReachTheBeach.org or call 503-459-4508.
Copyright 2008 Pamplin Media Group, 6605 S.E. Lake Road, Portland, OR 97222 • 503-226-6397
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Getting there!
It's been slow going, and I'm a wee late on starting #2, but I've had a few other projects up my sleeve.
Some of them are getting complete, so I've been able to give some time to the original Quilt-a-long, and here she is so far!
I still have to add borders, batting, and a back, but it's MUCH further along than I anticipated!

Thursday, May 08, 2008
the "doocer-view"
Whereby we are all jealous of Bri, because Dooce is now her bff!
PS - KLG was a twit!
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Please stop laughing.
Um, they're not.
You know, just in case you were wondering....
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
um, Wow.
I just wish that the "come backs" would come to me DURING, and not 5 minutes later.
Malka and I were walking home from daycare, and having our usual smiling encounters with the locals. So it didn't surprise me when this one "lady" said: "Oh, who's baby?" I said: "Mine." And smiled. She then said: "No, who's the mom?" And I looked at her somewhat quizzically, and said: "me." She then said: "No, I mean, who's the REAL mom?" And I looked at her, and said firmly, "I AM her REAL mom." She then said: "Yeah, I bet," and walked away, as I pushed Malka in the other direction.
It was all I could do not to cry right then and there. I mean seriously? What the hell? SO many emotions and reactions sprung forth into the chasm of that exact moment. "Will Malka have to answer such idiot questions when she's older?" "How do I shield Malka from the hatred that we had just experienced?" "WHO in the hell does she think she is?" " I AM her REAL mother, dammit!" And the inevitable Lifetime Movie script started laying in my head: "Who got up with her 30 million times during the night when she was a baby?" "Who changes her diapers, loves her, feeds here, is there for her, IS her 'REAL' mom in every sense of the word?"
I mean, I KNOW that I'm her "real" mom, and I KNOW that that woman was all of the nasty words I can think of, but it still hurt. I know that we live in NYC, and are BLESSED to have not encountered such hatred before, when so many of you probably have already. It's just horrible.