Tuesday, May 27, 2008

30 seconds of the mele going on across the street.

There was a shooting in Harlem last night. We saw hundreds of teens running out down our street.

Narda went out to see what was going on, a few of the teens said: "we're just having a cook out."

On today's news, however, we learned that 7 people were shot.


Anonymous said...

AAACK! I hope you and yours are okay!

Anonymous said...

It was on the news here, too. How horrible; I understand all the victims will make it out of the hospital--that's a blessing, but I can't imagine how scary this has been for them...and for their community.

Msabcmom said...

What is going on in our world? We had an incident near our school too!

Anonymous said...

Holy shit!

Anonymous said...

yikes! How awful!

Care said...

Oh my goodness - I hope that they all will recover. Scary when something is that close to home!

Lizzie said...

My sweetie's sister used to live on that block, now lives elsewhere (but still in Harlem). So scary.