Friday, February 22, 2008

"I need a therapy!!!"

So "Auntie Marion" came over yesterday, and she and Narda were doing prep work for DC. I made us all dinner, and Marion and Malka got to have some good play time together. (OH, how Malka loves her some Auntie Marion!)

Narda, Marion and Malka were all in her room, coloring on some paper, and Malka was REALLY happy and saying something loud, Narda and Marion were talking, and then I heard "SHELLI!" And laughter. I come to her bedroom, not quite sure what to find, and I stumble upon Narda and Marion laughing hysterically, saying "I need a therapy?!" And looking at me quizzically, and Malka speak-screaming, and laughing, too.

Malka repeats the phrase, and I say: "Oh, Abby-Cadaby!" From Sesame Street.

Back in the day, when Rosie had a talk show, I got the chance to go, and one of the "shwag" gifts was a pencil with one of those rubber thinggies on top that she used to shoot out into the audience.

A while back, I stumbled upon it again, and Malka and I deduced that it looked a LOT like Abby-Cadaby's wand. So I had given it to her, and told her to say: "1, 2, 3, Magic!" and wave the wand.

So Malka was in FULL Abby-Cadaby bliss, but unfortunately, Narda and Marion weren't in on the deal, so they were highly confused. But once they were filled in on the details, we all had a grand time.

(I hope this doesn't read as one of those "you had to be there" moments - but it REALLY was funny!)

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