We'll post more later - Narda's trying her first diaper change ever, and Quincy's in the car seat smelling it, having taken a nap previously in the crib, based on all of the cat hair in there... so we have a bit of activity to manage here.
But we just wanted to say THANK you for the years of support and love.
I LOVE HER!! And I got the first comment!!!!
OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! there she is in all her cuteness! what a lucky little girl she is. you will cherish these first few days with her for the rest of your lives! many many congratulations. your long, hard journey to parenthood is over. she has arrived!
chris from ff
OMG Shelli!! You have a BABY!! You're a mommy!!! And she is just beautiful! SO BIG!!
So many congratulations do you both. I cannot wait to hear her name and hear more about this beautiful little lady.
Oh, look at those EYES! Look at how strong she is! This is so WONDERFUL! Welcome to your new homw, little one!
I better get your hat in the mail...
OMG!!! Congratulations!!! She is beautiful and I am just thrilled for you both!
Chris and Kim say....OH MY GAWD!
Congrats girls.....
...and you guys were worried about her being cute!
much love,
K & C
She is so beautiful!
What's her name?
I am so happy for you both, I am a longtime lurker, sometimes a commenter and today, I am just so damn happy for you both! What a blessing.
she's wonderful!!!!!!!!! i am so happy for you and your little family, shelli. how incredible! she's just beautiful. take good care of your mommies, little girl- they have waited a very long time to hold you in their arms so please go easy on them (for now! ahahahh!)
I am in tears right now.
Conratulations. Can't wait to hear more.
YOUR DAUGHTER is BEAUTIFUL! I am so happy for you all (esp. since I was adopted at around her age!) Enjoy every minute! Congrats!
Okay, I'm coming out of lurkdom to say Congratulations on your daughter! She is absolutely beautiful, and I'm not just saying that! Her eyes draw you in. I am so happy for you guys, and have been following your journey for years. I normally move on, but your story has really caught my heart.
I can't wait to hear her name in just over a week!
What a beauty! She looks so happy!!! I am in awe of what you two are given - you deserve it! I love you for all the support and happiness you have provided to all of us over the past couple of years. Enjoy this time - even the diaper changes!!!
Love, Dina
(and Bridget, Ava and Zoe)
Ohmigod, she's gorgeous and she's YOURS. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Welcome home, little girl!
omg.. how exciting!!! she's beautiful!! congratulations.
Congratulations Mommies!!! I can't believe she is finally home with you. Enjoy your time together and have fun getting to know your daughter!
WOW.....you have a daughter! How does that feel?
Could just scream with excitement? She's gorgeous. Mazel Tov to the new family. You're a FAMILY!!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! She's adorable and precious!!!!!!!!!
She's so beautiful. She seems very happy with her new mommies! Enjoy!
Congrats a million times over.
SO ADORABLE!!! Mazel Tov, dear friends. Your family is complete :)
She's not ugly at all. I'm so very happy for your family. She doesn't look super fat either. Looks like the pounds are in her cheeks like my DD :) I like chubby cheeks.
Congratulations Mommies! She is absolutely beautiful!!!!
OH MY GOD SHELLI, YOU HAVE A DAUGHTER AND SHE IS BEAUTIFUL!!!! Seriously, my co-teacher and I are staring at the computer oohing and aaahing over her cheeks and her legs and wanting desperately to squish her. Enjoy the madness.
Congratulations! She is just beautiful.
Oh my GOD look at her!! Perfection ... look at those eyes!!!! Gorgeous gorgeous baby you have there MAMAS!!
OMG she is precious!!!! CONGRATS!!!!
You are truly blessed. Congratulations. She is so cute.
Shelli, this is so wonderful! Your daughter! She is gorgeous, with her big beautiful eyes and cute chubby cheeks and...oh, she is just divine! Congratulations mommies!
OMG!!!!!!! You guys have a daughter! Wow. :-))))) Huge smiles all around. Congratulations. Hope that diaper change went well. How cool. How very cool.
Oh my god shelli, she's so sweet. I'm totally crying and SO happy for all of you. I cant wait to hear all of the stories and see more pictures.
Enjoy your daughter sweetie.
Oh my, she is indeed, one of the cutest things on this planet! Much happiness wished to you all!
congrats a million times over.
Much love to the new Moms
She's gorgeous!! Congrats!!
Eeeee! Look at that gorgeous baby! Congratulations, Moms!
Shelli and Narda!!!
Your little baby is girl is absolultely lovely, beautiful and perfect in every way!!! I adore chubby legs... That little crease!!! Congrats to the three of you - what a wonderful gift.
~dancing around my office and singing~
Mozel Tov! Mozel Tov! Mozel Tov!!! What a beautiful little angel! I'm so happy for you both!
Oh my GOODNESS. Oh my GOODNESS. What a treasure you have. And you got her on my Lucy's 1st birthday. What a blessed day!
oh my god!!!! you have a baybeeee!!! she is absolutely adorable. she looks to happy and healthy! congratulations to you all!
(sorry for all of the exclamation points - i'm just so excited for you!)
Yippee!!!! She's HOME!!!! What a cutie! I too want to just pinch those chubby little cheeks and her little legs! Soooo cute! I can't wait to see a pic of her when she starts to smile! And I can't believe Narda has never changed a diaper before! Too funny! She will be getting plenty of practice and will soon be a pro!
Coming late to the party (work has been nuts), but wanted to send some cheer from Maine! I agree; she's got great, expresive eyes. Oh I'm just so happy for all three of you & can't wait to hear about all of the milestones as she grows up. I am, indeed, basking in her cuteness :)
She is beautiful!! I'm so happy for you all. I have followed you around since fertility friend. Never really posted much, but you all have captured my heart with your lives. I am so happy for you! Congratulations!!!!!
That little girl, there is absolute perfection! I am thrilled for all of you!!
Congratulations Shelli and Narda!!
Welcome home baby girl!!
I'm so happy for all of you!!
She is adorable! Congratulations on bringing your baby home!
Wow!! Wow, wow!! Shelli and Narda, congratulations! It must feel wonderful to hold your daughter in your arms. I'm getting chills all over again, I'm just so stinkin' happy for your family!!
Oh yeah, when do we get to know her name?
P.S. I'm so excited and imagining the looks of adoration in your eyes, I forgot to say that I think she's beautiful. Beautiful eyes, kissable cheeks, and she looks so ready to love her new family!
OH MY GOSH!!! HOW FREAKIN' ADORABLE!!!!! She is SUCH a cute baby (I love her chubby legs and cheeks -- they're the best on babies). Congratulations -- I'm sure the joy and love you must be feeling is overwhelming -- can't wait for the day when I join YOU in mommy-hood!
Ok, adding to the chorus of ooohs and aaaahs... That is one adorable baby! I am sooooooo happy for you both, and my dh (who I have been updating daily on your story) asked me to give you a huge congrats. Holy cow! Diaper changes! Keeping cats out of the crib! It is a whole new world now...
Yay!! We're so incredibly happy for you three!
Much, much love from the three of us to the three of you!
E, B, and S
She is beautiful... just so damn cute.
Every good wish and blessing to you and Narda and your DAUGHTER!!!
YAY - she is beautiful and I'm sure she already feels how wonderfully loved she is. Congratulations!
Happy "Gotcha Day" !!
She is a pure beauty ! I wish all three of you a life long of true happiness !
Congratulations to the new mommies !!
Oh, those cheeks look absolutely delicious!!! I am in tears right now thinking about the journey you've taken to meet this beautiful child. She is blessed to have 3 mommies--one who grew her in her tummy and 2 who grew her in their hearts. Plus she has countless aunties and uncles out in cyberspace. What a joyous day!
HOORAY! She is perfect. What a face.
She is perfect!!! Beautiful!! Darling!!! Yayayayay!!!!!! So happy for you!
Do you realize we both have daughters around the same age now? That is *so* cool! :-)
Your daughter is beautiful!! Welcome home little one!!!
Dana (ff)
What a cutie! Say bye bye to sleep but hello to utter joy! I'm so happy for you guys! Can't wait to hear how it goes!!!!!
Congrats from your favorite Idiot. She looks just like you guys.
Shelli and Narda!!!
Your daughter is gorgeous! Enjoy every minute of your Mommyhood!!
She is so blessed!
All the best,
FLDreamer (Deb from FF)
Many congrats to all 3 of you!! How wondermous. And yeah, I don't think you have to worry about that 'ugly baby' thing anymore! She is gorgeous...!!
I have only been lurking and reading for about 6 or 7 months now I guess, but that does not lessen my excitement for you! She is very lucky to have two people that wanted her so very much.
She is BEAUTIFUL congratulations to you both !!!!!!! I am so happy for you both.....TTCABB (from FF)
What a precious gift, congrats! She'll look just beautiful in her new quilt. When we get all the blocks. HINT HINT. *grin*
I am truly so very happy for all three of you. Just the inspiration I needed this week!
I cried when you announced that she was on her way and I'm crying again. I don't think I've commented before...but this kind of special occasion requires me to come out of lurkdom to wish you congratulations and best wishes. Your daughter (musical words, no?) is beautiful!
She is so cute! We are both so excited for you guys.
Congrats again!
-Jenny & Sarah
There are no words that will express just how thrilled I am for you all! Your daughter is precious and perfect! Enjoy every second of mommyhood!
I gasped... she is to dye for! I am crying a little happyness too.. don't even know you folks but I can see how she is so ment to be... congrats... Ain't Love Grand!! XX Lydia
would love to see photos as you post them... from FF... lydia22
She is absolutely beautiful.
We're so very happy for all three of you.
Shelli and Narda,
You waited all this time, and you got the most beautiful daughter in the world!! Her smile will light up your lives. It's funny how when you hold her in your arms at night, and smell her babyness, that you will understand - this is the one that was always meant to be yours.
Cats in the crib? Awww! We kept one of those tape lint rollers handy.
We are so happy for you. I guess I have to join Flickr now so we can drool over her pictures daily!
Congrats to both of you! She is truly beautiful and I can't wait to hear more in the future. I am just so happy for both of you.
What can we say that hasn't already been said. many blessings from the Creator.
She is perfect.
Congratulations on your beautiful daughter! I will get your box in the mail tomorrow! Enjoy her, as I know you will!
Congratulations little one! You and your moms are all incredibly lucky to have each other! Shelli and Narda- very very very best of luck and love from us three to you THREE!!!!!
She's gorgeous! Have a fabulous time all getting to know each other and settling into family life.
Shelli and Narda congrats on the newest addition to your family. She is a adorable. Much happieness to all three of you.
Just de-lurking to say congrats. Good things come to those who wait - looks like such "things" are super cute and well worth all the waiting you have done. Congrats on your newly expanded family!
She's beautiful! I love those big brown eyes!
Shelli and Narda - She is just too precious!! Congratulations on becoming mommies after all this time! And, best of luck! She's beautiful!
Tina from FFamily
Congratulations Shelli and Narda! She is such a beautiful baby - may all of her days bring you love and joy!
(robyn from ff)
OH, I am SOOOO excited and happy for you. Congratulations to all three of you! She's so cute!
Oh...she's simply Breathtakingly BEAUTIFUL! Welcome to your forever home beautiful child!
A mesh tent keeps my cats out of my dd's crib...It also kept dd from CLIMBING out too!
Congratulations! She is beautiful! Enjoy her to the fullest (like I had to tell you that?). Can't wait to hear all the great baby stories.
I'm de-lurking -- she is the most darling baby! Congrats to you both. I am so very happy! What a journey...and now a perfect little daughter. You two deserve all the happiness! SusanMacBurg from FF and CMoms :)
Welcome little one. What a wonderful family you have! Congratulations to you all. Your adventure together is just beginning... may it be full of happiness and joy.
`Basking away! Beautiful girl and great picture. Congratulations, again!!! What a journey, and this new one just beginning- your family is amazing. -Kate-
What a DOLL! I'm so happy for you guys! Congratulations Congratulations!!!
Congrats Shelli and Narda! She's adorable... I definitely took a few minutes to bask in her cuteness.
(a once in a while lurker on your blog/ex-FF poster who is very happy to hear your latest news!)
Look at that adorable cutie! Can you believe you are finally mommies? I'm so happy for the three of you.
She is just adorable. You two must be thrilled beyond words.
Although I don't think I've ever commented before, I followed your story on FF and over here, and I am SO excited that you finally have your happy ending/beginning!
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