Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Almost time for total media silence...


Since I won't even begin reading the book until SUNDAY, I will not read the newspapers, watch the news, listen to the radio, or yes, READ MY E-MAIL or answer my phone until I have completed the book; you can safely rest assured that I will in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM reveal ANYTHING about Harry Potter until AFTER August 8th.

Thank you. And if you happen to finish the book before I do? Please do NOT post spoilers here.

Cheers, and all that.


ArdensMommy said...

I feel like I should lock myself in a closet until I finish reading it so as not to find out the ending.

Getting mine at midnight on Friday, never done it before but D's sis and I are headed to an HP thing!

Anonymous said...

Just found out I can't start reading until MONDAY.

So deatching from all media.

Jack Steiner said...

I know it would be really mean to tell you that HarryRonHermioneNevilleSnapeHagrid dies now wouldn't it. ;)

You do know that I am kidding.

Care said...

I am soooo excited! I wish I could pick up the book at midnight on Friday, but unfortunately it will be Saturday morning for me. I plan to do absolutely nothing but read all weekend.