We are SO blessed to live in NYC. I cannot even begin to tell you about the "durm und strang" that so many families like ours have to go through, just to be able to take their OWN CHILD to daycare, or the hospital, or to be taken seriously.
Thursday, May 17th, Malka Palka Pooka Palka was officially, and LEGALLY adopted by her two Eemahot. She was ALWAYS in our hearts, but now she is on record, too. BOTH Narda's and MY name will be on her birth certificate.
We are SO blessed.
Our judge said that she wished that we could just get married, and that once it's legal, to keep her in mind, "I do weddings, too!" she said.
I still want to get married to Narda. You know, in that whole legal way and all, even if we are married in our hearts. Our Rabbi will marry us, but we kind of want to wait for it to be "kosher" all around, you know? And besides, Malka will make such a CUTE Flower girl!
Tomorrow, Narda and I celebrate 7 years together. We count our first kiss as our anniversary. LOTS of things have changed since then. We were YOUNG, we were idealistic, we weighed less. But we didn't have the lovely fur balls, our home together, or Malka. We've both learned and grown so much in the past seven years, and I look forward to the next 70+ together. Even though we annoy each other sometimes, and I drive her batty sometimes, (and um, vice versa, my love), I wouldn't wish for anyone else to spend my life with.
Happy Anniversary!
Congratulations on the adoption AND the anniversary!
Give Malka some HUGE smooches from her upstate dodah!
Yes! NYC is a great place for LGBT families to live. We just need to get on with the legal marriage thang. Congratulations on your adoption. Your post brought back memories of our adoption. Mazel tov!
Happy Anniversary!
I'm raising a virtual glass to your future marriage. I believe it will be legal one day. I'm adding it to my prayer list, in fact. I hope our kids grow up in a world where LGBT families have the same legal status as other families.
Happy Anniversary Mommas.
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